Gamla bildbanksbilder

Ongoing Research Projects

Competence supply through lifelong learning

The industry’s need for professional engineers with advanced IT skills is great. In this project, a model for work-integrated learning will be developed to meet the need and strengthen the students...

DIGIT − Sustainable Digital Transformation

The projects overall objective is that companies in the region can use the opportunities that AI, IoT and data-driven development bring to strengthen competitiveness and develop sustainable product...


This project focus is to reinforce and renew the competence in Information Visualization and Visual Analytics.


This project will build a new national infrastructure for visualization and analysis of scientific data. The new infrastructure will give researchers access to expertise and development of competen...

NIIT - Next Generation Industrial IoT

NIIT is a new research action at Mid Sweden University. The industrial focus is the next generation IoT technology and methods supporting the transformation of the process industries. The research ...

PLENOPTIMA – Plenoptic Imaging

Plenoptima is European collaboration with researchers and partner organisations in an innovative training network. The aim is to develop a cross-disciplinary approach to plenoptic imaging.

Smart Industry Sweden

Within Smart Industry Sweden, five Swedish universities are gathering cutting-edge expertise in the field of smart industry. The graduate school wants to create a cohesive group of industrial...

The page was updated 12/28/2022

Environment: Draft