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Invoicing information for all Mid Sweden University suppliers
About this website
Here, you will find the answers to your questions ranging from practical enquiries to concerns about your studies or student finances.
Geographically, Mid Sweden University is located in the middle of Sweden, right at the heart of Northern Europe.
Bank: Danske Bank, Box 7523, SE-103 92 StockholmIBAN: SE9112000000012810111944SWIFT/BIC: DABASESX VAT-nr: SE202100452401
For invoice information see link below:
Invoice information for suppliers to Mid Sweden University
SE-851 70 Sundsvall Visiting address:Holmgatan 10
SE-831 25 Östersund Visiting address:Kunskapens väg 8
Mid Sweden UniversityBox 70SE-891 22 ÖrnsköldsvikVisiting address:Hörneborgsvägen 10SE-892 50 Domsjö
The page was updated 10/25/2024