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On this page you will find news and information from Mid Sweden University, collected under the tag SENSORS. This page is created based on the tag you clicked to get here.

There are 24 English pages and 11 Swedish pages that are tagged with SENSORS. The content may vary depending on language.


The project MAGI aims to develop test and lab platforms for sensor technology and lightweight constructions.

Safety systems for head injuries

With the help of a constructed surrogate head with many sensors, the researchers hope to gain knowledge of what is happening in the brain during trauma to the head. In this way, even better safety...

A new Torque Sensor design

Mid Sweden University has a new torque sensor design, using a hallow shaft with notches on its body, where a tiny twist of the body causes air pressure to change inside the notches. This change is...

Self powered RPM Sensor

The researchers at STC research Center have, together with industrial partners, developed a self-powered wireless RPM sensor, robust enough for tough industrial environments.

Sensors for Measuring High Water Flows

A new type of measurement equipment can make it easier for water companies to detect vents in the sewers and reduce environmental impact when extremely high water flows cause overload of the sewage...

Get control of the office environment

Here you will see a demonstration of Mittuniversity's new Office Tracker. Office Tracker is an office environment sensor system that collects different measurement values in a building to facilitat...

STC researcher contributes to the Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2017 went to Jacques Dubochet, Joachim Frank and Richard Henderson for the development of cryoelectron microscopy. But not everybody know that researchers from Mid Swed...

In birds' best interests

Movement is a three-year research project that is developing tomorrow's technology for studying wind power's impact on birds. The research can contribute to bird life being spared at the same time ...

Digital sensors in the hunt for oil spillages

Oil spillages can cause serious harm to lakes and other bodies of water and there are unfortunately often no tools to detect a spillage at an early stage. By means of on-line sensors placed in drai...

Staffan Rydblom presented his Licentiate thesis

We like to congratulate PhD-student Staffan Rydblom who presented his licentate thesis "Measuring Water Droplets to Detect Atmospheric Icing" today. Opponent to the thesis was Prof. Anssi Mäkynen...

The page was updated 10/2/2019

Environment: Draft